says that during the early 1940’s, while the Second World War was still
being fought, German secret societies –Thule, Vril and Black Sun – had
successfully established a base on the moon, and used that as a
launching pad for missions to Mars. Travel time between the Moon and
Mars was several hours for the Germans. Goode contrasted this with the
contemporary secret space program which has cut this travel time down to
a matter of minutes!
describes information about the early German colonization events
acquired from “smart glass pads” he had access to during his space
service as an “intuitive empath” from 1987 to 2007. He says that German
documents and photographs, detailing these Moon and Mars missions, were
archived on the smart glass pads.
Goode previously described the
power of the German secret societies in Hitler’s Germany. The Thule,
Vril and Black Sun societies had created a space program that was wholly
independent of the Nazi SS effort to weaponize flying saucers for the
war effort.
German secret societies had established bases in Antarctica and South
America that escaped the bulk of the fighting during the Second World
War. Well-hidden and protected in these remote locations, the Germans
had forged ahead in developing advanced space travel technologies using
antigravity and space-time portals.
German secret society efforts in establishing a parallel space program was previously described by Goode in a May 20, 2015 email interview, earlier episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, and discussed in detail in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (2015).
In the November 10, 2015, episode of Cosmic Disclosure,
Goode provides more information than earlier revealed about the
challenges the early German colonists faced in establishing their bases
on Mars and the Moon.
establishing a presence in Mar’s equatorial regions, he describes how
the Germans encountered harsh sand storms that were highly electrically
charged. The lightning storms wreaked havoc with the electronics of
their technologies. Goode’s testimony is supported by NASA research that
has confirmed that tremendous lightning bursts do occur during Mars dust storms.
the Germans began searching elsewhere on Mars for more suitable areas
for their bases. They found that the Northern and Southern regions,
above the 20th parallel, offered a more hospitable environment for
building bases, well away from the huge electrical Martian dust storms.
The Germans discovered an ancient lava tube system about 10 times the
size of lave tubes on Earth, and relocated their bases here.
lava tubes and other subterranean regions were not uninhabited though.
The Germans encountered two intelligent resident species that they had
to wage fierce territorial battles against while establishing their
bases. Goode described the two species as Reptilian and Insectoid.
These brutal battles led to the loss of many German personnel and
resources up until the late 1950s, when the U.S. military industrial
complex began helping the German secret societies on Mars.
mid-1952, the Germans had conducted a series of flying saucer flights
over Washington D.C. in a show of force. This led to the beginning of
official relations with the German secret societies. During the
Eisenhower administration, the U.S. capitulated to the Germans key
demands, which led to the infiltration of the military-industrial complex.
the industrial might of the U.S. now behind them, the German secret
societies were able to finally consolidate their Mars bases and protect
them from the resident Martians.
there any evidence supporting Goode’s incredible claims? First, we can
look to other whistleblowers who also claim to have spent time on Mars
while serving with secret space programs.
testimony has a number of important parallels with the testimony of an
earlier Mars whistleblower Randy Cramer, who says that he spent 17 years
on Mars (from 1987 to 2004) in an elite military unit that defended
civilian colonies from resident Martians.
In an April 2014, series of interviews (six
months prior to Goode’s public emergence in September), Cramer said
that his unit regularly fought territorial battles with two intelligent
Mars species, Reptilians and Insectoids – the same two identified by
Cramer described the
resident Martians as fiercely territorial who would go to battle if
their territory was threatened. At other times, they would leave the
human colonists alone. Again, this is consistent with Goode’s claims
regarding German battles with the Martians.
Cramer did not mention any German connection, he made it clear that the
military unit he served with was subservient to a corporate entity that
was in charge of Mars operations. This is consistent with Goode’s
claims about an “Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate” that runs Mars, which had been earlier infiltrated and taken over by German secret societies and their Nazi SS supporters.
The SS had introduced slave labor practices
that were common in Nazi Germany and at the German secret society bases
in Antarctica and South America. According to Albert Speer, the
Armaments Minister for Nazi Germany. the Nazi SS had plans to continue
these slave practices well after the war.
and Goode’s testimonies about secret space program battles with
indigenous Martians are consistent with a third whistleblower, Michael Relfe, who
claims that he spent 20 years on Mars (from 1976 to 1996). Relfe
describes fighting a variety of native and extraterrestrial threats to
the secret space program running Mars operations. Goode’s, Cramer’s and
Relfe’s testimonies are compared and contrasted in chapter 13 of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs.
addition to the testimonial evidence by Cramer and Relfe, which is
consistent with Goode’s claims, there is also important circumstantial
evidence. From June 11 to 12, the British Interplanetary Society conducted a symposium on the theme, “How to Overthrow a Martian Dictatorship.”
scenario depicted by the British Interplanetary Society was of a
corporate run space program on Mars that was dominated by leaders who
behaved as dictators who exploited workers as slave labor. The scenario
has many similarities to the ones described by Goode and Cramer about
Mars being run by corporations that use elite military forces as space
mercenaries to fight their battles.
The symposium was covered by Richard Hollingham, a writer with the British Broadcasting Corporation, who alluded to a MI-6 connection. The symposium coincided with a June 22 report by Goode regarding
his inspection tour of a current Mars base that appeared to be run as a
dictatorship. It is more than likely that the corporate practices on
Mars bases today are connected to their antecedent, the early German
bases that continued the Nazi practice of using slave labor.
These Cosmic Disclosure episodes with
Goode blowing the whistle on key historical events withheld from the
general public, if true, must change our world view to deal responsibly
with the future.
Two other alleged secret space program whistleblowers support Goode’s claims, along with compelling circumstantial evidence, which includes NASA data supporting
his claim of a thin breathable atmosphere on Mars. For now, there is
good reason to conclude that Goode is revealing a true insider’s
perspective on the role German secret societies played in establishing
bases and colonizing Mars in the 1940s.
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