On 7 July 2007, a very large crop formation, composed of 150 circles, appeared at East Field, Wiltshire --
Image credit: John Dove
It was clear to many researchers that the date, significantly, indicated three sevens -- 7-7-7. The formation caused quite a stir, because light-sensitive and infrared cameras had been set up at Knap Hill in the hours prior to the appearance of the crop formation. A little after 3 AM, a huge flash of light lit up the field, and then some minutes later, a crop formation was observed by three eyewitnesses. Cameras recorded the flash and the crop formation. Later, a trained video producer confirmed that the images were not faked.
It seems noteworthy that this 7-7-7 formation has similarities to the Julia Set types, and that the Stonehenge Julia Set formation also was witnessed to have formed during a very brief period. All four Julia Set type formations carried the number messages -- either 777 or 7 x 7 x 7.
The Om formation is quite similar to the Om symbol of the Eastern religions. Below are two examples of the Om design, out of many variations --
The Om or Aum symbol is related to a sound that represents the cycles of creation, related to three Deities who are also One -- Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer, and Shiva the Destroyer.
Interestingly enough, a crop formation appeared around 23 January 2011, at Krasakan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Java, near the Prambanan temple, which is dedicated to the Trimurti gods -- Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Java crop formation was similar to the symbols that represents the first chakra.
James Churchward, in The Sacred Symbols of Mu (page 276), presents an idea about the AUM triangle: The Father (A) and Mother (U) engendered the Son,
James Churchward, in The Sacred Symbols of Mu (page 276), presents an idea about the AUM triangle: The Father (A) and Mother (U) engendered the Son,
Man (M).
It is also interesting that the Om crop formation and the ancient Om symbol include a type of "ball in cup" glyph.
Melissa's Om Dream
Shortly after the Om crop formation appeared, I recalled a dream image that Melissa handed to me one morning, many years ago --
I found the drawing in my notebook. It is dated 10 October 1992. She told me that it was a light brown color and there was something mathematical about it. She also reported another dream. This is what I wrote in my notebook next to the image that she drew (above), about the dreams --
One version of the Om symbol on the Wikipedia page, in Jain script, is somewhat similar to the image Melissa saw in her dream --
The Sumerian 777 Star Crop Formation
Around 20 June 2011, this crop circle formation appeared at Poirino, Italy --
Poirino, Italy
Crop Formation
Image Credit:
Bertold Zugelder
Crop Formation
Image Credit:
Bertold Zugelder
The design incorporates three seven-pointed stars, suggesting 777. There are also seven groups of seven small circles/rings radiating outward between the outer star points. When describing crop formations, by convention, a simple "circle" has all the plants laid down, whereas a "ring" has standing plants inside a ring of laid down plants. The patterns of small circles/rings were found to have a code. Translated into computer style ASCII binary code, the seven groups spell "Enki Ea". The space between the two words is part of the code.
Ea and Enki are two names for the Babylonian/Sumerian God. He was the brother of Enlil. The mythical pair are said to play a role in the world. Ea Enki associates with creating and sustaining, while Enlil tends to destroy. They form a triad withAnu. These three Anunnaki gods seem similar to the Trimurti gods of India, as mentioned above.
This mythology came from the region of modern day Iraq. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers run through the land. It was the location of the city of Babylon and the Tower of Babel. The region and its myths were integral to the Bible, including many references in the Book of Revelation, such as the harlot of Babylon (Rev. 17:5).
Also worthy of note -- The USA invaded Iraq after the 9-11 events, on the apparently false pretense that Iraq was involved in the attacks and had weapons of mass destruction. The Gulf War was started after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Osama bin Laden declared a Jihad, a holy war, on the USA, because of the perceived violation of American troops setting foot in Saudi Arabia, where the holy city of Mecca is located.
These are a few of many connections that came to mind when I learned of the Poirino Enki Ea 777 star crop formation.
The 8-8-8 Figure Eight Formation
On 8 August 2008, a figure eight formation appeared at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire --
The design looks like the number eight which is also the sign forInfinity. It can be considered one of the "Tipharet Helix" types -- as related to a crossover from one pillar to the other on the Tree of Life, which signifies a reversal of dualities. There have been quite a few other formations in that category. Interestingly, theOlympic Games began in Beijing, China, that same day, at 8:00 pm. The number eight is considered a sign of prosperity and confidence in that land.
The number 888, of course, is associated with Jesus by way of Greek Gematria.
Also interesting -- the United States Declaration of Independence happened in 1776, which is twice 888.
The number 8 is said to symbolize a new beginning. An example is the story of the flood, where 8 people were aboard Noah's Ark. In music, the octave relates to 7 notes followed by the 8th, the start of the next series of notes.
In terms of the triple numbers covered in this article, it seems to be a message of advancing from a karmic 666 stage, to the more balanced and positive 777 stage, followed by another new beginning, symbolized by 888. The stages compare symbolically to the six days of creation followed by the day of rest, followed by a new creative stage. A destructive aspect of creations is involved, probably at the end of the 666 stage. Each individual probably evolves through these symbolic stages, but a collective level of development also seems to be suggested.
The 777 stage seems to be symbolically related to the central circle of the Seed of Life, which probably associates with the Bridegroom, Zer Anpin. The Divine Marriage, like Hieros gamos, of the Bridegroom and Bride, represent the harmonization of opposites. It also seems to symbolize the uniting of Heaven and Earth.
Another possibility is that stage 888 represents an eternal realm. The 8-8-8 crop formation, as the infinity sign, seems to support the idea. Also, in the Egyptian depiction from the Book of the Dead, above, there is another nodule above the balance beam, which, according to mythologist,Joseph Campbell, may represent a sphere of timeless consciousness beyond the earth plane.
The Trinity, as suggested by the various triangular crop formations, especially the Barbury Castle formation of 1991, also suggests eternity. The critical verse in Christianity is John 3:16, indicating that one who believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Personally, I do not believe in the doctrine of the atonement. My own view is that this is about thinking and believing in the love and compassion advocated by Jesus, and acting in that manner. As I see it, this is likely to be true, regardless of the validity of the historical Jesus. One also becomes immortal by eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, which during the time cycle is blocked by the angel with the Flaming Sword.
Interestingly, there was a recentnews story (January 2012) that involved John 3:16. In a miraculous comeback victory in a football playoff game, Denver Bronco's quarterback, Tim Tebow, threw for 316 years in ten passes for an average of 31.6 yards. The receiver of the winning pass play, Demaryius Thomas, was born on Christmas Day. Many were amazed, because when Tim was in college, he wrote the words, "John 3:16" on his face, while playing on the field.
I wrote an article years ago about football symbolism. I noted that there are 11 players on each team, for an 11:11. Another American sport, baseball, has 9 players on each side, and has been part of symbolic events. The two sports amount to 9-11 in my eyes.
I wrote an article years ago about football symbolism. I noted that there are 11 players on each team, for an 11:11. Another American sport, baseball, has 9 players on each side, and has been part of symbolic events. The two sports amount to 9-11 in my eyes.
The sum of the nouns (God, heavens and earth) is 777
Gematria: The World Trade Centre + The Pentagon = 343
Crop Circle Photographers
We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them.
We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them.
Olivier Morel Seiichi Nakazato Andrew King
Richard Harvey Russell Stannard Summer Garland
A.J. Samuels Rob Speight Jim Miller
If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page, please e-mailJMason4557@aol.com
This page was originally uploaded January 24, 2012
This page was last updated March 17, 2012
Site URL: http://www.greatdreams.com/numbers/777coin/777coin.htm
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