The Message of Karma
In terms of the 9-11 events, I realized that a message of karma was apparent. The idea dovetails with the meaning of Kali -- she wears a girdle of severed human hands. As the instruments of our works, this indicates the karmic function. The 9-11 karma message came in the ancient symbolic form of metrology -- trading one commodity for another or for a certain price. After all, the main event was at the World Trade Center. This is an excerpt from an article, titled, Why Study Metrology --
In terms of the Bible, karma seems to correspond to the idea of judgment. It may be that the Final Judgment is at hand! In my view, this would not be all doom and gloom -- the final outcome would be incredibly positive. This appears on the Wikipedia page on the subject --
I find these verses quite interesting in relation to the political rhetoric on the news these days -- for example, the "food stamp president" charge. I noted long ago that the two main political parties in the USA correspond well with the two pillars of the Tree of Life. The Republican conservative party fits with the Left Pillar -- Judgment or severity, i.e., the goats. The Democratic Liberal party fits with the Right Pillar -- Mercy, i.e., the sheep. The same difference seems to apply to the Old Testament versus the New Testament, as with "an eye for and eye," versus, "turn the other cheek." The ideal is to be balanced in the Middle Pillar -- Equilibrium or Mildness.
The terms left and right in relation to the political parties and the pillars of the Tree, seem reversed. But, when one imagines standing inside the Tree -- the left and right reverses, as with looking in a mirror. So, the perspective from within the Tree has the Republicans on the Right, and the Democrats on the Left.
The human race has been out of balance during the time cycle, with the Judgment function being much stronger than the Mercy function. My understanding of the Judgment function relates to our thoughts and feelings about fairness, righteousness, and justice. We tend to be outraged by violations, especially violations against ourselves or those we love. Such things can evoke great anger and violence. Recall that Kali evokes feelings of anger, and that she corresponds to the harlot of Revelation.
It seems that the Mercy function can also be too strong, such as enabling wrong-doers.
The above verses of Matthew make sense to me in this way -- the sheep associated with the Right Pillar will have reached a balance, whereas the goats associated with the Left Pillar, will not. I think this is about each person, and not so much about the political party.
The everlasting punishment of the goats is actually like a purification by fire, a period of stress, after which one is pardoned, having stressfully transformed, reaching the balance. I read of this idea in H. P. Blavatsky's, Isis Unveiled." It was interpreted in that way in ancient India.
The idea of balancing the two Pillars fits with the symbolism of the crossover, "Tipharet Helix."
About 16 years ago, on February 13, my younger son's birthday, I had a big coincidence concerning the forgiveness principle. My son had played a big part in my understanding of that principle several years prior. It was the key in my overcoming great anger at an injustice. The coincidental connection was to a verse in the Bible -- James 2:13 -- the verse number matching my son's birthday --
At the time, I noted that Valentine's Day was the next day.
Update - February 3, 2012
Several days after writing the above paragraphs, the subject of Matthew 25 became political news. President Obama spoke about the role of faith in his life and in society during the National Prayer Breakfast on February 2, 2012. He talked about taking care of the poor, connecting the idea to various religious traditions, including the Matthew 25 verses about taking care of the "least of these." This coincided with presidential candidate, Mitt Romney's, so-called gaff of saying he is “not concerned about the very poor.”
It is obvious that Romney is concerned with the poor and wants to help them -- he just used figures of speech that are now being used in negative political spins. Both sides are spinning away on the subject.
There have been some crop circle formations that suggest 777 in certain ways. One example is the formation that appeared at Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire, on 16 July 2005, which had three "7" shapes arranged in a triangle --
Crop Formation
Image credit: Steve Alexander
Note that the date reduces to 7-7-7 (16 > 1 + 6 = 7 and 2005 > 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 7).
A cube type crop formation appeared around 23 June 1999 at Allington Down, Wiltshire. The wide portions of the laid down plants along the edges of the cube can be seen as three sevens, another form of 777 --
Allington Down
Crop Formation
Image credit: Steve Alexander
This symbol is known as theAntahkarana, an ancient healing and meditation symbol from Tibet and China. It is said to be multi-dimensional, relating from two to three dimensions continuing through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension -- the dimension of the Higher Self. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the musical scale.
A very unusual woven basket type crop circle formation appeared at Roundway Hill, Wiltshire, on 6 August 1999 --
Roundway Hill "Basket"
Crop Formation
Image credit: Ulrik Kox
The concentric sets of seven circles makes it a 777 type.
A seven pointed star with many aligned circles appeared as a crop formation at Eastfield, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, on 25 August 2008 --
East Field Crop Circle 2008
Image credit: Andreas Muller
Again, multiple patterns of sevens are apparent. Interestingly, a crop formation that looked like the Pentagon building in Washington D.C. appeared eleven days prior to this formation at Barton le Clay (see below).
Note the star point that is directed upward in the illustration, which has several glyphs inside its triangular form. The upper glyph is a curved live with an arrow point at the top. It may suggest a simplified form of the crossover, or Tipharet Helix, which represents a path through the Tree of Life, indicating a polarity reversal. It is somewhat similar to the Flaming Sword or Serpent of Wisdom.
I presented the crossover idea in my article about the 2010 crop circle formations. There have been similar others, including two serpent types --
June 12, 2010
29 July 2011
One of the largest and mostamazing crop circle formations appeared on 14 August 2001, at Milk Hill, which was just 28 days prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.A. It was said to be a Julia Set type --
Crop Formation
The design is also a Seed of Life type. The basic pattern is quite like the Pinwheel Formation of 1997, that appeared with the Tree of Life formation. See the illustration near the beginning of this article.
Dreams and various crop circles seem to indicate a potential or future change in the sixth sphere of the Tree. The Seed of Life flower will open like the aperture of a camera, giving a twelve fold flower or design, with a six fold figure in the center, such as a Star of David. This is similar to the traditional symbol of the heart chakra. See these two articles --
The Mega Glyph formation was composed of 409 circles. Norma Smith, of Universal Harmonics, had the brilliant inspiration to calculate the English Alphanumerics of 409, as relating to the seven colors of the spectrum. The same colors are traditionally used to represent the seven chakras --
The letters of each word are assigned numbers (A=1, B=2, etc). Note that "GREEN" -- which is the color assigned to the heart chakra -- adds to 49. The other six colors add to 360, giving the total: 360 + 49 = 409. This adds some weight to the idea that this Seed of Life type pattern relates to the heart chakra.
Some three weeks after the 9-11 events, a dream posted on Paul Vigay's site indicated that the Mega Glyph had a 777 component. A person posted a comment about the Mega Glyph under the name "dreamer" --
The 1111 portion, in addition to the 777 portion, of dreamer's equation seemed quite coincidental and significant. As mentioned above, Dee and I had been reporting about the 11:11 number coincidences for years. Right after the 9-11 events, we noted that each Twin Tower had 110 floors, and together looked like the number 11.
Many feel that it is significant that the Mayan calendar ends at 11:11 am (within a fraction of a minute), Universal Time, on December 21, 2012.
I made several comments in response to dreamer's post, linking to an article on Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission site about the mathematics found in the Cydonia region of Mars. It includes "e" -- the base of natural logarithms = 2.718282. A number quite close to "e" is calculated from the ratio of the surface area of a tetrahedron to the surface area of a sphere in which it is contained. Carl Munck has pointed out that the ancient unit of measure, the Megalithic Yard of 2.72 feet is also close to "e."
Interestingly, a crop formation appeared in 2010 at Wilton Windmill that encoded the beautiful Euler's identity, a formula that incorporates "e."
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